

The initiatives and measures described in this toolbox typically require the involvement of additional actors. Their participation will ensure that the tool achieves its desired effect and outcome.

Partners will be required for a broad range of fields including outreach to the target groups, provision and dissemination of information, awareness raising, technical support and advice, financial contribution, transferring a positive image and ensuring sustainability. At the same time, partnerships can create synergies for joint initiatives.

It will thus be highly important to select the most suitable partners, to establish a cooperation (ideally based on a win-win situation) and to maintain it throughout the project.

What is inside the Chapter?

The chapter is made of 1 tool which describes:

>> Tool 7.1 - Partnerships for the Promotion of Blue Collar Employment

The tool described in this chapter should be implemented as a cross-cutting element of all other instruments described in this toolbox.
Additional information on how to analyse the actors’ landscape can be found here.