Job Profiles


Job profiles are an excellent instrument serving multiple purposes: Among others, they help to define standardised learning and teaching contents in line with labour market requirements as well as to support an effective recruitment process based on a comparison of the applicant's skills and capabilities with the job-related requirements. Typically, a job profile contains a general description of tasks, required competences and qualifications as well as general career paths for a particular occupation.

For the purpose of this toolbox, job profiles are mainly used as a basis for promotion and orientation related measures. In this context, job profiles can in particular help students, graduates and job-seekers to get a clearer picture on the occupations demanded by the labour market, what they actually contain and which qualifications are required. Based on this information, they can take better informed job-related decisions including the selection of most suitable education and training options. This enhanced transparency contributes at the same time to a modification of prevailing prejudices on certain Blue Collar occupations. Furthermore, job profiles lead to a more effective and efficient recruitment and human resource management process for companies and raise chances to employ the most suitable candidates with considerably higher retention rates.

What is inside the Chapter?

The chapter is made of 2 tools which describe:

>> Tool 3.1 - How to Define a Blue Collar Job Profile >> Tool 3.2 - How to Use Job Profiles for Promotion and Job Orientation

All tools described in this chapter should be combined with tools presented in other chapters for highest effectiveness. Ideally, they should be complemented with instruments for better communication and promotion (chapter 2), job orientation (chapter 4) and job quality (chapter 5).

>> Annex Job Profile Driver (English) Job Profiles in the Printing and Packaging Sector (Arabic) Short Film on Job Profiles (Waiter, House Keeper, Cook, Car Mechanic, Driver, Offset Printer) (Arabic and English) Compilation of Print Material in the Printing and Packaging Sector (Arabic and English) Postcards for Promotion of Job Profiles in the Printing and Packaging Sector (Arabic) Posters for Promotion of Job Profiles in the Printing and Packaging Sector (Arabic)