Compilation of Successful Instruments from Egypt, Lebanon and Palestine

What is the toolbox about?

The private sector in Egypt, Lebanon and Palestine faces severe challenges in attracting and maintaining qualified and dedicated Blue Collar workers and encouraging young students to decide for the vocational education path. There are several reasons for this, including a lack of information and orientation about the respective sectors and their decent job opportunities, wrong perceptions of working conditions and training/career opportunities as well as predominant societal prejudices about certain occupations. However, companies and other actors (such as NGOs, professional associations1 and public institutions) typically do not dispose of sufficient resources, time and know-how to develop effective instruments from scratch to tackle these challenges.

To support and ease this effort, this toolbox provides ready-made and practice-oriented instruments aiming at enhancing societal acceptance and attractiveness of vocational education and Blue Collar work and to encourage students, graduates and job seekers to work in this field. Even though the main focus of the toolbox is the promotion of Blue Collar employment as well as vocational education and occupations in selected sectors/profiles, the instruments compiled in this toolbox are flexible enough to be used in other sectors and can be quickly adapted to the specific needs of the users.

Although this toolbox does not claim to be exhaustive, it includes a broad range of tools which are effective, in large parts innovative, tailored to the specific needs of young graduates and job seekers and which have been field-tested in the Egyptian, Lebanese and Palestinian context. They have been formulated for immediate practical application and contain a wealth of experiences as compiled while piloting.

The basis for the toolbox has been provided by the programme “Promotion of Blue Collar Jobs” initially and was complemented by the experience of other GIZ projects.

The instruments in the toolbox have proven their effectiveness in the framework of a number of programmes related to employment promotion and vocational education (see below “What is the GIZ Sector Network For Sustainable Economic Development - Middle East and North Africa?”) In the framework of these projects and programmes, a range of pilot measures were field-tested to promote Blue Collar employment opportunities and vocational education in a needs-based approach and implemented jointly with the private sector and civil society in Egypt, Lebanon and Palestine. The main focus of the Blue Collar related measures was on job orientation by filling information gaps through the development of promotion and communication initiatives, embracing elements of job quality and training.

For the purpose of this toolbox, the term "Blue Collar worker" refers to a worker undertaking any manual labour, in line with the OECD standard definition of this term for statistical purposes2. Furthermore, the term "Blue Collar work" refers to jobs requiring technical education as well as to numerous job profiles in the field of industry, small trades, sales and handicrafts.

1. For the purpose of this toolbox, the term "professional association" is used when referring to a network of companies in a specific sector, such as chambers.
2. "…employees who are engaged in fabrication, assembly and related activities, material handling, warehousing and shipping, maintenance and repair, janitorial and guard services, auxiliary production (such as power plants), and other services closely related to the above activities… "


The sector network combines the know-how of more than 120 GIZ colleagues, covering 24 programmes in 8 countries. It enhances the capacities of the network members through regional and multi-sector cooperation. SN MENA’s approach is based on the vision of “socially and ecologically balanced sustainable economic development”. Therefore, the network focuses on the enhancement of the business climate as well as on the promotion and creation of productive employment, especially for young people.

Further information: LINK

In this compilation of Blue Collar and vocational education image promotion approaches you will find the learning experiences of the following GIZ programmes:

"Promotion of Blue Collar Jobs - Increasing the Attractiveness of Selected Job Profiles with High Employment Potential in Egypt" (Chapters 1-7)

„Employment Promotion“ in Egypt (Chapter 8)

“Promotion of Vocational Education & Small and Medium Enterprise Development” in Lebanon (Chapter 8)

“Promotion of TVET and Labour Market” in Palestine (Chapter 8)


Each tool is composed of three parts:

  1. The first part helps the user to decide whether this tool is the most appropriate one for the specific challenge s/he would like to tackle. It also provides information on how many resources are required and how long it takes to implement this tool.
  2. The second part "What To Do" describes in a step-by-step approach what to do in order to implement the tool.
  3. The third part "What To Observe" / "Pros and Cons" summarises most important recommendations in order to make sure that the tool is successfully implemented.
  4. In addition, for each chapter in the annex a list of ready-made materials, studies and reports are provided for further usage and inspiration (mainly English, some are provided in Arabic).

what is inside the toolbox?

In the following 8 chapters the toolbox comprises 40 tools. Just click the buttons below to get to the chapter.


>> Complete Toolbox PDF (70MB)
>> Complete Toolbox PDF (22MB low resolution)
>> Troubleshooting PDF (1,7MB)